niedziela, 8 kwietnia 2018

My Precious Tot!

Hey Precious Tot!
Am writing you – as there are only a couple of days before we see each other again after the long 3 months break.. So am very excited and can not wait to play with you again, spend quality time, have fun!
This time round am not afraid of you not recognising me but as previously- how many obstacles and troubles your mum is going to come up with (for us not to see).. Hope am wrong this time – and she has finally realised that my only intention is your happiness, wellbeing and health – all achievable when I am not denied (or restricted)  time to spend with you.

First however am going to Geneva for a conference (Geneva Health Forum 2018)– hopefully something useful will come out of that gathering as the world and the people face huge health-related challenges. My dream was always to work for the WHO; improve people’s health and lives.

Then am back in Poland for more than 3 weeks – and guess what have some presents for you Bunny… Hope you gonna like them – both practical and fun 😊

Also today your Uncle Peter encouraged me to go for a diving course- so am gonna do it in Malaysia when I am back from Poland…
In the meantime, anticipate a couple of conversations over skype/whatsapp..
Can’t wait can’t wait!!!
Sea of kisses, ocean of hugs and the universe of love (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart)

Yours always and forever,
Singapore 08.04.18

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